
New paper on the consequences of climate change for alpine grasslands

Climate warming is leading to earlier and longer growing seasons worldwide. Many plants sprout earlier in spring and benefit from warmer temperatures in autumn – so, the common opinion. Patrick Möhl, Raphael von Büren and Erika Hiltbrunner…

New paper published on the drought sensitivity of temperate tree species

In the latest issue of plant biology we published a paper on the response of different temperate tree species to the extreme 2018 summer drought.  https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/plb.13476 The paper highlights for the…

Ansgar Kahmen spoke at the Seniorenuni

On October 24th and 25th Ansgar Kahmen gave a presentation at the Seniorenuni of the University of Basel (https://www.vhsbb.ch/seniorenuni-vortraege). In his talk Ansgar highlighted the impacts of global climate change on terrestrial Swiss…

International workshop to discuss the impact of the 2022 drought on forests

In October 2022 35 experts from five central European countries met in Basel to discuss the impact of repeated severe summer droughts on central European trees and forests. 12 presentations showed very recent observational and experimental…

Research activities at the Swiss Canopy Crane II site features in the latest edition of UniNova

The current issue of the University of Basel science magazine UniNova has published today a foto series on our activities at the Swiss Canopy Crate II research site in Hölstein, BL. Check out the nice fotos featuring our work at the site. …

Serafin Streiff wins Swiss Systematics Society best Master's thesis award!

The Swiss Systematics Society grants an annual award to the best Swiss Master's thesis in systematics (across all organismal disciplines).  Serafin Streiff has won this prestigious award for his work entitled “Herbarium phylogenomics,…

/ People

Graduation day at the PPE group!

Today we can celebrate three alumni from our group: Lia Zehnder and Anina Wacker successfully passed their master exam. Jochem Baan defended his PhD thesis and was awarded a “summa cm laude”. Congratulations to all three new PPE alumn!

Congratulations to Karin Odermatt for successfully defending her master’s thesis!

In her master’s project, Karin investigated recovery mechanisms of extensively managed forage grasslands after summer drought. Her findings provide essential context on the importance of soil nutrient dynamics in grassland resilience to…

Article about Caspar Bauhin and his passion for Botany

In the context of the Bauhin22 conference which took place from 15-16 September 2022 at the University of Basel the regional newspaper Basler Zeitung has published an interesting article about the life and work of the botanist and anatomist…

PPE Retreat 2022

On September 5 & 6 the PPE group went on a group retreat to the Naturpark Thal in canton Solothurn.

/ Research

The SRF Tagesschau featured the Swiss Canopy Crane II research site on August 29th.

Click the link below to see the news feature.

/ Events

First ISJRP project meeting held at Pondicherry University, India

With some delay due to the pandemic we were now able to hold the first physical meeting of the SNF (Switzerland) and DBT (India) jointly funded ISJRP project "Using millet-legume model intercropping systems to establish…

A new paper on the cold range limits of the most widespread alpine graminoids on acidic soils: Carex curvula and Nardus stricta

Raphael S. von Büren and Erika Hiltbrunner published a new paper in Journal of Biogeography. The paper represents a condensed piece of Raphi’s Master's thesis (defended 2021). The cold range limits of the widespread alpine graminoids Carex…

/ Events

TreeNet 10-year anniversary conference

On June 27/28, 2022, the TreeNet 10-year anniversary conference was taking place in the Basel region in Switzerland. The conference focused on the assessment of tree growth with different experimental methods and networks.

Serafin Streiff successfully defended his MSc!

In his work “Herbarium phylogenomics, taxonomy, and floral evolution in Connaraceae”, he tackled a difficult taxonomic problem, the delimitation of Rourea and related genera in the pantropical Connaraceae family.  To this end, he inferred a…