Swiss Canopy Crane II News

A new paper that appeared in PNAS this month reveals strong effects of soil water availability on carbon transport in mature trees
Dry soils can significantly reduce the transport of carbon assimilates from the canopy to roots in trees. A new publication in PNAS describes the result of a large-scale 13C-labelling experiment with mature Scotts pine trees at the…
PPE research at Hölstein featured on SRF 1 radio series
Research at the Swiss Canopy Crane II site at Hölstein was recently discussed on the SRF 1 summer radio series ‘Leidenschaft Holz’ (‘Passion for Wood’). Listen to the broadcast at the link below (in german).New paper in New Phytologist on tree recovery from drought
Matthias Arend and colleagues from Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU published a letter in New Phytologist that sheds new light on the recovery of trees from drought. They summarize in…
News article in the Volksstimme: Forests will change because of drought
Last week a local primary school class visited the SCCII research site to learn more about the forest and its ecosystem. A journalist from Baselbiet accompanied the group to report on the experience. As the article in the link explains, the…Article in "Le Temps" features PPE research on Swiss forest response to recent droughts
A recent article published in "Le Temps" features PPE research on the vulnerability of Swiss forests to drought events. The article highlights the important role for combinations of low rainfall and high temperature, as well as the impacts…- Basellandschaftliche Zeitung, 2022/06/22 (Bericht) (PDF, 259.42 KB)
- Wald und Holz, 2022/08 (S. 6) (PDF, 11.30 MB)
- Horizonte - das Schweizer Forschungsmagazin, 2021/06/03
- NZZ Artikel, 2020/05/29 (PDF, 364.92 KB)
- Telebasel Report, 2018/15/08
- SWR Aktuell, 2018/04/03 (Bericht)
- Basellandschaftliche Zeitung, 2018/03/14 (Bericht)
- "La forêt de Bâle en danger", France 3, 2018/05/08 (Video)
- Basler Zeitung, 2018/04/01 (Bericht)
- SRF Tagesschau, 2018/03/23 (Video)
- SWR2 "Impuls", 2018/03/21
- 20min, 2018/03/13 (Online Bericht)
- SRF Radio Inverview with Ansgar Kahmen, 2016/06/02
- Volksstimme, 2016/05/27 (Bericht)