Open Position: Field Technician / Crane Operator

The PPE group is looking for a field technician / crane operator (70-80%) to start in March 2019 for the duration of 4 years.
ISCB symposium

Congratulations to Devesh Singh on his recent award

Devesh Singh won an award for his work entitled “Bioirrigation, facilitated via a common mycorrhizal network, supports the water relations of finger millet in intercropping system with pigeon pea during drought”.
New paper published by Lars Dietrich in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology on the response of trees to short rain events during drought conditions

New paper published by Lars Dietrich in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology on the response of trees to short rain events during drought conditions

Decreasing amounts of precipitation and more frequent dry periods will challenge temperate European forests in the future. During such dry periods, short drought-intermitting rainfall events might be the only renewing water source for…

/ News

Canopy Crane II Research Featured in Volksstimme

The long-term study being conducted at the Swiss Canopy Crane II research site at Hölstein was featured recently in the linked article from Volksstimme (in German). Access requires subscription for recent content.
Tiffany Fioroni Master's

Congratulations to Graduating Master's students

On Friday, November 16 the 2017 and 2018 classes of graduating Master's students in Biology received their diplomas. Several students from the PPE group were in attendance, including Tiffany Fioroni (pictured in photo). Congratulations…

Camilo Chiang wins prize in Ocean Optics competition

Camilo Chiang, a PhD student in the PPE group, placed 5th in a global competition sponsored by Ocean Optics. Camilo produced a video to demonstrate how he uses Ocean Optics equipment in his daily work. His prize includes an Ocean Optics…

PPE group participates in National Future Day "Zukunftstag"

On November 8th Svenja Förster and Dan Nelson from the stable isotope lab led a group of students from 5th to 7th class around the labs in the botanical institute. The goal of National Future Day is to promote open career and life planning…

Open PhD Position in Global Change Ecology

The Physiological Plant Ecology group is looking for a PhD student in Globarl Change ecology (supervision by Prof. Ansgar Kahmen) start in February 2019.
Jochem Baan

Jochem Baan joins the PPE group as a new PhD student

We are pleased to welcome Jochem Baan to the PPE group. Jochem comes to our group after obtaining his MSc degree from the University of Amsterdam. He will work in the ERC project HYDROCARB and will investigate the biochemical mechanisms…
New paper published by Nadine Brinkmann

New paper published by Nadine Brinkmann in Plant Biology on tree water uptake depth

In this paper Nadine reports data from a three-year study in which she has investigated the soil water uptake depth for different mature temperate tree species. With this study, Nadine shows that different tree species have similar soil…
Claudia Hahn PhD

Congratulations to Claudia Hahn on her PhD defense

Claudia Hahn successfully defended her PhD on October 18th

Open PhD Position in Alpine Plant Ecology

The Physiological Plant Ecology (PPE) group at the University of Basel, Switzerland is looking for a PhD Student in Alpine Plant Ecology (supervision by Erika Hiltbrunner, start in February 2019).
Publication by Lars Dietrich in Scientific Reports

New publication by Lars Dietrich in Scientific Reports

In this new paper Lars Dietrich shows that mature trees can maintain their water relations with 50% of their conducting tissue destroyed. With this work, Lars contributes important new data that will help with the the interpretation of…

Open PhD Position in Physiological Tree Ecology

The PPE group is looking for a motivated PhD student to start a doctorate in Physiological Tree Ecology (supvervised by Günter Hoch) in February 2019.
Devesh Singh PhD defense

Congratulations to Devesh Singh on his PhD defense

Devesh Singh successfully defended his PhD on October 4th