Open PhD Position in Alpine Plant Ecology

The Physiological Plant Ecology (PPE) group at the University of Basel, Switzerland is looking for a PhD Student in Alpine Plant Ecology (supervision by Erika Hiltbrunner, start in February 2019).
Publication by Lars Dietrich in Scientific Reports

New publication by Lars Dietrich in Scientific Reports

In this new paper Lars Dietrich shows that mature trees can maintain their water relations with 50% of their conducting tissue destroyed. With this work, Lars contributes important new data that will help with the the interpretation of…

Open PhD Position in Physiological Tree Ecology

The PPE group is looking for a motivated PhD student to start a doctorate in Physiological Tree Ecology (supvervised by Günter Hoch) in February 2019.
Devesh Singh PhD defense

Congratulations to Devesh Singh on his PhD defense

Devesh Singh successfully defended his PhD on October 4th

SNF projects by Erika Hiltbrunner and Günter Hoch receive funding

Congratulations to both Erika and Günter for each receiving funding for four year SNF projects.
Students in the 2018 Block Course in Plant Biology

The 2018 Block Course in Plant Biology begins

On Monday the 17.9. we started with the 2018 Block Course in Plant Biology. We were able to welcome 25 undergraduate students in our labs that we will teach the basic principles of physiological plant ecology and stable isotope ecology over…
GfÖ annual meeting in Vienna

The PPE team presented several new results at the GfÖ annual meeting in Vienna

The 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland took place in Vienna during the week of September 10th.

Anja Schmutz passes her Master's exam

Congratulations to Anja Schmutz in passing her Master's exam on Friday September 7th.
Meisha Holloway-Phillips

Meisha Holloway-Phillips joined our team as Postdoc

We warmly welcome Meisha Holloway-Phillips as a new postdoc in our team. Meisha will work on hydrogen isotopes in plant organic compounds in the context of the ERC project HYDROCARB. Specifically she will address biochemical, physiological…

News article in BZ Basel highlights research on the impacts of severe drought on trees in the region

The topic is especially relevant this year as the area experiences one of the driest summers on record.

Melanie Egli passes her Master's exam

Congratulations to Melaine Egli in passing her Master's exam on Friday August 31st.
lars dietrich

New publication by Lars Dietrich in Journal of Ecology

Lars Dietrich has published a new paper from his PhD - "No role for xylem embolism or carbohydrate shortage in temperate trees during the severe 2015 drought"

Telebasel Report "Hightec-Wald von Hölstein" (2018/08/15)

Sendung vom 15.08.2018: Der Hightec-Wald von Hölstein: In einem einzigartigen Experiment erforscht ein Team der Uni Basel in Hölstein während der nächsten 20 Jahre die Auswirkungen des Klima-Wandels auf den Wald. Welche Bäume überleben…

/ Info

New publication by Nadine Brinkmann in New Phytologist

Nadine Brinkmann has published a new paper from her PhD - "Employing stable isotopes to determine the residence times of soil water and the temporal origin of water taken up by Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies in a temperate forest"
Jurriaan de Vos Herbarien Basel

The Herbaria Basel in the "Basler Zeitung" (2018/07/12)

Die Herbarien Basel in der Basler Zeitung: "Basel hat das älteste Herbarium der Welt – nun soll es nationales Kulturgut werden" BaZ Artikel vom 12.07.2018: Bottmingen. In einer ehemaligen Lagerhalle in einem Gewerbequartier der Basler…