The PPE group welcomes three new PhD students this week

Pictured in photo from left to right: Santiago Perez Bernal, Cedric Zahnd, Patrick Möhl
- Santiago Perez Bernal (PhD PSC Syngenta Fellowship Ansgar Kahmen) - Santiago did his Master thesis in the Plant-Microbe Interactions group in Utrecht and he will work in the PSC Syngenta Research Fellowship; Mycorrhiza-facilitated biorrigation in intercropping systems in dryland agriculture.
- Cedric Zahnd (PhD SNSF Günter Hoch) - Cedric did his Masters in tropical forest ecology at Imperial College London. He will be working on the influence of microclimatic gradients on biological processes in the canopy of a temperate forest.
- Patrick Möhl (PhD SNSF Erika Hiltbrunner) - Patrick did his Master's on the effects of shading on biomass production in an alpine sedge mat under the supervision of Christian Körner and Erika Hiltbrunner. After a stay at the SLF Davos and an internship as software developer he now joined the PPE group to assess belowground responses of alpine plants to climate change.