/ Doctorate/PhD / Maura Ellenberger
Student Poster Award for Raphael Weber
The 2017 Outstanding Student Poster and PICO (OSPP) Awards is awarded to Raphael Weber for the poster entitled: "Shaded trees save their carbon"
In relation with its General Assemblies, the European Geoscience Union (EGU) presents a number of special awards, such as the Outstanding Student Poster and PICO (OSPP) Awards to further improve the overall quality of poster and PICO presentations and most importantly, to foster the excitement of younger colleagues in presenting their work in the form of a poster or a PICO (Presenting Interactive COntent). The OSPP awards are presented at the level of the EGU Programme Groups.
Raphael Weber now former PhD student of the PPE group (supervised by Dr. Günter Hoch) has won the 2017 EGU European Geoscience Union poster award for his poster presented at the yearly EGU conference in October 2017. Congratulations Raphi!
Download his poster by clicking on the bar below.