The Physiological Plant Ecology Group
About Us
Plants are fundamental components of the earth system. Their ability to assimilate atmospheric carbon dioxide, to take up nitrogen and to transpire water shapes the way ecosystems function and controls the provision of ecosystem goods and services that we as people depend on. We investigate the ecophysiological processes in plants that determine the fluxes of water, nitrogen and carbon in natural and agricultural ecosystems. The goals of our research are to understand how plants function in the context of their environment, to reveal the responses of plants and ecosystems to global environmental change, and to establish the ecophysiological and biogeochemical basis for the sustainable use ecosystems.

6 March 2025, 16:15 h, Botanical Colloquium
20 March 2025, 16:15 h, Botanical Colloquium
27 March 2025, 16:15 h, Botanical Colloquium
1 April 2025, 16:15 h, DUW Kolloquium

New paper out on belowground drivers of grassland recovery from drought!
In a new publication in Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Marie-Louise Schärer and co-authors shed light into the belowground processes that boost grassland growth and recovery after drought. They reveal that mobile soil organic carbon…
UniBas hosts SwissForestLab Science Day
On Friday, Feb 14th the SwissForestLab Science Day brings more that 70 leading scientist form various disciplines to the University of Basel to discuss the fate of forests in the face of accelerating environmental change. The Science Day…