Carbon balance and limitation of growth in plants
Photosynthesis is a fundamentally important process that provides the basis for all plant and animal life on earth. If photosynthetic carbon assimilation also limits plant growth and thus the provision of carbon-related ecosystem goods and services is a fundamental question in plant and ecosystem ecology that remains yet to be resolved. Our group investigates if and under which environmental conditions the supply of photosynthetically assimilated carbon determines a plant’s carbon-balance, carbon-allocation and carbon-usage. Specifically we seek to identify, if declining plant growth under drought or low temperatures is caused by a decline of assimilated carbon or if other physiological or developmental processes limit plant growth in such conditions.
Recent key publications:
Dietrich L, Delzon S, Hoch G, Kahmen A (2018) No role for xylem embolism or carbohydrate shortage in temperate trees during the severe 2015 drought. Journal of Ecology.
Weber R, Schwendener A, Schmid S, Lambert S, Wiley E, Landhäusser S, Hartmann H, Hoch G (2018) Living next to nothing: Tree seedlings can survive weeks with very low carbohydrate concentrations. New Phytologist 218: 107-118.
Klein T, Vitasse Y, Hoch G (2016) Coordination between growth, phenology, and carbon storage in three coexisting deciduous tree species in a temperate forest. Tree Physiology 36: 847-855.
Schmid S, Palacio S, Hoch G (2017) Growth reduction after defoliation is independent of CO2 supply in deciduous and evergreen young oaks. New Phytologist 214: 1153-1162.
Klein T, Hoch G (2015) Tree carbon allocation dynamics determined using a carbon mass balance approach. New Phytologist 205: 147-159.
Hoch G (2015) Carbon Reserves as Indicators for Carbon Limitation in Trees. Progress in Botany 76:321-346